Friday, September 10, 2010

Say Cheese

Inspired by my sister in law, and my model baby, I have decided to learn how to use our fancy digital camera. With a little guidance and encouragement from Jo, I have been studying away and decoding all the little pictures and numbers and symbols on the camera. Today, I purchased my very own extra cool camera lens (thanks mom for the birthday present!). As soon as I could get home I put it to use practicing some of the things I am learning. I've really got a long way to go, and from what I can tell, I need to invest in some editing software to really make my pictures neato-mosquito. I practiced on my garden today. Not all that exciting but pretty pictures considering I am working the settings instead of having it on automatic, don't cha' think?
This isnt the flower pic I meant to post, but its late and Im not doing it again! The flowers are supposed to be in focus and the rest the blur, oh well.
And here is a pretty pic of the edge of a big elephant ear leaf...

and one more of some potato vine..

lets see if she's reading this...

Last one for the people...

Who wants to be my next guinea pig?

1 comment:

  1. Although my eyelashes look fab, I should shoot you for posting that photo. Guest blogger day = revenge! Sleep with one eye open next weekend...
